

My name is Rongye Shi. I'm an associate professor (tenure-track) with the Institute of Artificial Intelligence at Beihang University, Beijing, China. Previously, I completed my Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, advised by Professors Manuela M. Veloso (member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering and IEEE/ACM/AAAI/AAAS Fellow) and Peter Steenkiste (IEEE Fellow). From 2019-2020, I was a postdoctoral research scientist with the School of Engineering and Applied Science at Columbia University, advised by Professors Sharon Di and Qiang Du. From 2020-2023, I joined Huawei as a principal engineer. My research focuses on machine learning, reinforcement learning, multiagent systems, and their applications on smart cities.

- [05/2024]My co-authored paper on "Estimating and modeling spontaneous mobility changes during COVID-19" published by the journal Humanities & Social Sciences Communications (a Nature Portfolio Journal)!
- [03/2024]Our paper on "ELAKT" accepted by the journal ACM TOIS!
- [01/2024]Our paper on "AdaptAUG" accepted by ICRA 2024!
- [12/2023]Our paper on "Leveraging Partial Symmetry for MARL" accepted by AAAI 2024!
- [07/2023]Our paper on "ESP: Exploiting Symmetry Prior for MARL" accepted by ECAI 2023!
- [06/2023]Our paper on "Air-M" accepted by IROS 2023!
- [06/2023]Our survey paper "PIDL for TSE: A Survey and Outlook" published by the journal Algorithms!
- [02/2023]Dr. Shi launched his faculty career at Beihang University!
- [01/2023]Our paper on "Energy Harvest of Multiple Smart Sensors" accepted by the journal IEEE TASE!
- [01/2023]Our paper on "Robust Data Sampling" accepted by the journal Games!
- [12/2022]Dr. Shi is once again appointed the assistant chief expert by Huawei.

    My other websites: GoogleScholar, Openreview, ResearchGate, DBLP

Research Interests
My research focuses on machine learning, reinforcement learning, multiagent systems, and their applications on smart cities and intelligent transportation systems.